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…and by “feeling” I mean email notification from wordpress?

Yeah it’s okay if you’re judging me, I appreciate my jokes enough for all of us.

First of all, let me just say that I love you guys for checking out this site and actually enjoying the three posts you’ve seen here enough to hit that follow button. Especially since they were all posted almost five years ago. This blogging community truly is something amazing and I mean that with complete sincerity.

However, since there has recently been an influx of you wonderful human beings clicking follow over here, I feel like I should probably tell you that this site is like my dormant volcano… It’s where I got my start and it’s where I worked out the blogging kinks (the blinks..?), and most importantly, it’s where I learned the basics of using a blog. Nevertheless, a few days into blogging here and I was struck with the idea for the blog I really wanted to create and thus, on April 19th of the year 2012 (holy cheese. I was only 17.), Reset and Live was born.

And if you really just want to see the post from that day, here’s the link to
‘What makes a painting perfect?’

As the kind of person who has filled entire shelves with notebooks in which I’ve only ever scribbled something on a single page, I can’t say that this is surprising… And come to think of it, simply typing those words does sort of shed some light on why my Rx for Adderall is so incredibly high… pfffftt.


Anyway! I think the reason I’ve never deleted this blog is because there’s something about it that’s just so… unfinished.

There’s real potential here, guys. I can feel it. I created Reset and Live because I wanted a place to do something that mattered and that blog has always been first and foremost for you. All of you.

But this blog… this blog I created for me. I think part of me has saved it a bit selfishly. To hold onto something that’s totally mine. But I also think that most of me always just forgets that it’s here and I only just now realized I could use it as a space all my own. A place more like a journal where I can just sort of let of some steam and kind of vent. Keep the pressure from building up too high, you know? If my other blog is the party, maybe one day this will be where I step outside to breathe from time to time…

but then again, who knows? I mean this post was initially only going to say, “hey guys, thanks for following but if you really want to stay up to date on things Gomez, hop on over to my primary site and follow Reset and Live!” and then this happened because I am inherently awkward af and it would seem that when I don’t know the right words to say, I evidently just sort of say them all.

Well happy Friday (or Saturday depending on the time zone that you’re currently in)! I hope to see you on the flip site.
**completely loses mind over that flip side/site pun** this is why they say people need sleep.

That special person

Have you ever had that one special person in your life that made your heart beat a little faster whenever you saw them or when they walk over and talk to you? That special person that just makes you crazy with all the little things they do?

I have! But don’t get the wrong idea. When I say “special” I mean to say that one person that seems to be missing a few too many brain cells. That “special” person that manages to piss you off so badly that whenever they talk to you, you can just feel your blood pressure rising. That person that drives you so crazy you don’t even know what to do about them.

The only thing worse are when these people are your friends. Oh wait, they are! You know the friends I’m talking about? The people you never really wanted to be friends with because you didn’t like them and then one day you were like “hey, they’re not that bad. They’re actually pretty chill!” but then when you become friends with them, they get all irritating again and you just can’t shake em because you’re too nice of a person? Hate those guys.

When it comes down to it, I like to think there are five levels of friends:

1. Greatest people on earth – these are the people you love and care about, hang out with all the time, and talk to about everything with. the people you call when it’s 3 am and your entire world is falling apart.

2. awesome people you enjoy having in your life – these are the ones that you hang out with and talk to about some things, but let’s face it: you’re one move or schedule change away from never talking to them again

3. friends – these are the people you’re friends with, but don’t go out of your way to hang out with all the time. someone brings them up in conversation and it’s “oh, yeah i’m friends with them!” but not much more than that

4. eh, they’re cool – these are the people you pick out in crowds of people you don’t know. the ones you talk to when you have no one else, but you don’t always like. Often times, these are the people you only hang out with because they’re friends with your friends

5. sure, why not – these are the people that ask you to hang out and all you can say is, “sure, why not” the people i talked about earlier generally fall into this category on the off days you are chill with them.

granted, all friends are subject to moving up and down this scale, but i generally only count the first two as my actual friends. The other three are me being too nice to say I’m not really friends with them, but that’s just me. I mean a lot of my “greatest people on earth” came from the “sure, why not” group.

Either way, this is why that online public school is crap. Social skills are important. Kids need to learn to make friends.

Shout out to all you guys who can’t seem to shake those “special” people in your lives!

It might just be me, but I honestly feel like kids these days just don’t know how to talk to each other.

All these technological innovations are great to help people out, but we’re breeding a generation of people that just don’t know how to live. I walked through a store and saw a kid on a cell phone. Now when I say kid, I’m not talking kid like teenager, I’m talking they couldn’t be older than nine years old and they were chattin it up with a friend via text message. That just seems wrong to me.

I mean I didn’t get a cell phone when I was that young, if I wanted to talk to someone I had to call their house and then go over and talk to them in person because they’re parents needed the phone. No wonder people are getting depressed. No wonder the suicide rate is going up. People don’t see each other enough to know when something’s wrong. Before cell phones and facebook there was a thing called “hanging out.” people actually got to know each other and they could tell when their friends weren’t doing well. Cell phones just make it easier to hide that. There’s a problem with the world when kids are killing themselves because they think no one cares about them.

Put down your phone and look around. It’s time to look past the text message.

So I’m the kind of person that likes to rant and/or ramble about the fantastical happenings of my life. I’m rather new to this but if you stick with me, I’d like to think that I’ll give you something to think about, laugh at, procrastinate with, look busy while waiting in a public place for something or someone with, or anything else you could think up to do with someone else’s blog.

I will make a politician’s promise to you right now: If you show me your support by actually reading my posts, I promise to do my personal best to make it worth your while.

Now, as a politician’s promise, that promise could quite possibly mean absolutely nothing. But hey, what are ya gonna do? You’re the one reading some random blog because you have nothing better to do with your life at the moment. So, ha!

just kidding.

Anyway! whoever you are, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. You rock! I hope you like my posts and all the ones to come!
